
Home » GiustiBOS


A reliable and powerful management Back Office with a single reference database

  • The control room of the GiustiSuite galaxy
  • Solid, efficient, effective
  • Low startup impact, high operating efficiency
  • Easily adaptable

Manage, control, save

A CRM system, to achieve good efficiency, must have a strong and reliable database management element.

GiustiBOS is a real control room, with full control over all the apps in the GiustiSuite galaxy.


Get your business off the ground

Low start-up impact and high operating efficiency. We can define GiustiBOS, a manager always connected in the flow of information, whose role is to supervise and manage all the data necessary for the GiustiSuite apps.

Among the strong characteristics that GiustiBOS puts in place, the ability to adapt to the needs of the situations in which it operates stands out. The dashboard at its disposal allows the timely management of all the data contained in the tables necessary for each active GiustiSuite app. From 100% independence from the company management, GiustiBOS can progressively reduce its intervention to 10%; a minimum space for maneuver, for the configuration and maintenance of the basic specifications of the apps installed, as well as playing the role of “postman” when he is called to move data from one place to another.
Statistically, the presence of GiustiBOS has important repercussions on the company:

  • It simplifies the start-up of a project, using the ability to make up for the temporary lack of some data expected by the management system.
  • The data control routines, outgoing and incoming, prevent the passage of corrupted information or, in other cases, that does not comply with the company’s commercial policies.
  • Each table and its contents are structurally accessible.
  • The Back Office System can be purchased only once, with the first contract. Subsequent access to other types of GiustiSuite apps does not require a repurchase.

Functionality, routes, usability, results, information, communication, shared data… These are some of the characteristics on which GiustiBOS bases its efficiency. An alternative way that allows you to reassure even that part of users who rely only on their own management system.

  • Intuitive, particularly efficient, it reduces management costs.
  • Also released as a service, with a monthly fee, it is quick and immediate to install and start up.
  • The standard features are accompanied by the operational specifications for the commercial sector for which the apps are intended.

How does GiustiBOS communicate with the corporate ERP?

The experience and mastery of the technique allow us to exchange data in complete safety and efficiency with any management software, from the most famous SAP, AS400, TeamSystem, Zucchetti, Microsoft Dynamics, Navision, Oracle…Up to the less widespread local systems.

If the management system provides for the exchange function via API or in the CSV or XLS formats, now known by most users, GiustiBOS further facilitates the exchange by proposing a guided procedure through ready-to-use forms.

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are an internationally recognized and documented method of data exchange. GiustiBOS makes its collection of information available, in API format, accompanied by documentation, thus allowing any technician to intervene.

If the company believes that its management system does not have the necessary flexibility to structure complex commercial policies, it can make use of the extensive management that Nikè Back Office makes available. The definition and management of commercial and promo conditions is an example of the potential for managing the data present in the Nikè database and necessary to feed the functions of the various apps in our software galaxy.

Reference sectors

GiustiBOS finds its natural space in the economy of corporate IT management, favoring the diversification of data sources and generating greater trust and savings.

Join GiustiSuite

Break habits, discover the GiustiSuite advantages.

The standard version of GiustiBOS covers 100% of the specifications necessary to launch and manage any GiustiSuite app, gaining appreciation and approval from business users.

Contact us to find out what is the best solution for you. Our team of experts will be happy to tell you about our products, their features and the benefits they can bring to your business.

We will evaluate together how convenient it is to abandon habits and rely on procedures and operational functions that are already active in GiustiSuite in thousands of installations.


Would you like to know more?

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions that customers ask us about GiustiBOS.

  • How does the data exchange with our management system take place?
    GiustiSuite already provides a functioning series of connectors to the most popular management software.
  • Additional costs to be faced, in addition to those to be incurred for the purchase of licenses?
    Our consultancy is oriented towards excluding it, or in any case reducing it to a minimum, by guiding the technical counterpart responsible for the management system.
  • If a problem occurs, who is responsible?
    Reporting a problem immediately triggers a ticket for our support technicians. By referring to the document that describes the set of functionalities of the active apps, we are able to prove their origin, and if it is not our responsibility, we help the other party to resolve the issue. Our goal is to act quickly and resolve.
  • How is it possible to be sure that everything works?
    In the case of GiustiBOS we are talking about the heart of the system, particularly accurate and tested, however, it is our practice to carry out the testing activity of the purchased and installed apps with the customer. The results, collected in a document, describe trials and outcomes.

Have more questions? Don’t stay in doubt. Contact us to find out what is the best solution for you.

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